With two matches left in the Northern California 1st Division competition, we flew to Salk Lake City for the day to take on Park City Haggis (think: very large Polynesians).  It was a brisk, sunny day with an icy wind blowing, but the views of the surrounding mountains from the pitch were outstanding (and, Read More

I’m woken up some morning by the sound of a flock of green parrots, who roost in a few trees at the bottom of my street.  These "Green Parrots of Telegraph Hill" are actually famous – they’ve had a book written about them, and even an award-winning documentary film.  I sometimes see TV crews, Read More

I’ve had a little "on the beach" downtime between private equity cases recently, and decided to head across the bay one day midweek to chill out on the Berkeley campus, stick my head into the administrative offices at the Haas School of Business and say hi to a few friends, eat lunch at one, Read More

My sister Marnie’s marriage to Matt Higgs got me back to Melbourne for the first time since I left to return to San Francisco a year ago.  It was a whirlwind week-long trip but really lovely to see the family and catch up with my friends again after yet another (my ninth!) year living, Read More