Volcan Pacaya – An Active Volcano!

The bus ride from Copan in Honduras to Antigua in Guatemala took some time, and it was dark by the time we arrived in the city.  We had some luck finding a good deal at a beautiful colonial-era hotel near the market, and as Poff and Earner had one last day before flying home we also arranged to take a day trip to Volcan Pacaya (an active volcano in the vicinity) the next day.

The drive to the start point of the hike took a few hours, and it was mid-morning by the time we drove half-way up the mountain to a small village.  From there we met up with our guide and started hiking up towards the crater.  It was a sunny, warm day and a hot, dusty walk.

The fellas: Earner, "The Colonel", Poff, and me.

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After maybe two hours we arrived at the summit.  At the edge of the active crater we found an amazing sight – a cauldron-like active cone filled with liquid magmaonly about 20 metres away from us!  It would bubble away and every now and then it would blast out a plume of magma – we could even feel the heat!  It was also evident that the whole area was quite unstable too – lots of loose rock, a few vents belching noxious gases etc.  Anywhere else in the world and you wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this thing!

Well of course we took some beers up the mountain…!

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